How To Measure

A. We supervise the space for which we are interested in buying and placing the product so as to take into account its particularities such as the existence of radiators, air-conditioners, beams which may determine our measures. We also observe whether the frame is opening or sliding.

B. We measure the frame we are interested in and add 4-8cm to each side. As long as this is possible. Add at least 10cm to the top.

C. We choose the corresponding support so that our mechanism is not affected by the window handle.

D. We choose the side that serves us to use the control of the mechanism.


1. In the event that we want total blackout in a space, it is good to leave larger margins in all dimensions than those of the window.

2. Choose double rollers or day-night mechanisms if you want to have more options regarding the brightness and clarity of the space.